Ric Flair’s Ex “Jacqueline Beems” Allegedly Harassing Wendy Kidder (Flair’s Girlfriend)

Reblogged By: De De Tillman; Celebrity Blogger

Source:Yahoo Sports

Posted:Wednesday July 17, 2013 @ 6:53 p.m PST



A Mecklenburg County, N.C. judge has issued an arrest warrant for pro wrestling star Ric Flair on the grounds of failing to pay spousal support to his estranged wife. Flair, born Richard Fliehr, allegedly owes $32,352.51 from his estranged wife Jacqueline Beems.

Oh, but hold on. The story doesn’t end there. Beems turned herself over to authorities on Tuesday for harassing Flair’s current girlfriend. She was charged with a misdemeanor and released on $500 bond. Her attorney dismisses Flair’s allegations that she harassed Wendy Kidder, Flair’s current girlfriend, in up to 50 texts and five voicemails.



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