Tag Archives: Korean Legislator  Kim Kyung Jin

Choi Jong Bum Cannot Be Punished For Goo Hara’s Sex Tape! It Was Consensual

Re=Blogged By: De De Tillman

Source: koreaboo

Media: koreaboo

Posted: Monday October 8, 2018 @ 6:00 pm PST

Koo Hara recently revealed that her feud with her ex-boyfriendbegan when he allegedly blackmailed her with videos of them having sex. The boyfriend soon clarified that Koo Hara was the one who initiated the filming and was “in control”.

Korean legislator, Kim Kyung Jin, recently held an interview where he revealed that Koo Hara’s ex-boyfriend will most likely be un-punishable for claims of ‘revenge porn’. As Koo Hara consented to the filming, it will be difficult for the ex-boyfriend to be charged.

“With the current laws, it’s impossible to punish someone for spreading a [sex tape] if it was filmed with both parties’ consent.”

However, Kim Kyung Jin is adamant that showing someone a private video during a feud can only be interpreted as blackmail and threatening.

— Kim Kyung Jin

“Showing your ex-girlfriend the video means, ‘I have this, so you need to do as I say.’ Isn’t it most logical to think, ‘It’s impossible not to consider it a threat.’?

It’s a passive threat, a silent threat.”

— Kim Kyung Jin

Lawmakers, such as Kim Kyung Jin, have begun vocalizing their demands to create and strengthen laws that punishes those who use private videos as a form of threat.

koo hara ex boyfriend investigation

*Used With Permission*