Tag Archives: Singer Stefanie Sun

Stefanie Sun’s Baby Nursery

Blogged By:La Tray

Source: xinmsn

Media Credit: Xinmsn via Stefanie Sun / Yoka

Posted: Tuesday October 23, 2012 @1:55 p.m. PST



Singaporean singer Stefanie Sun recently shared a picture of her baby room, which had a baby cot and animal decorations on the wall, on her microblog.

The 34-year-old commented on the photo and wrote: “I’m waiting for you.”

Currently in her last trimester, Stefanie is due to give birth to her first baby any time now. Her Dutch-Indonesian businessman husband, Nadim van der Ros, has reportedly prepared all the necessities required for her birth.

Nadim also started working from home recently in order to take care of Stefanie.

Stefanie’s spokesperson dismissed the rumour that the singer gave birth to a baby girl two days ago. “Everyone is so imaginative. She has yet to [give birth]. If there’s good news, we’ll let you know.”

It is said that Stefanie will do her confinement at her mother’s place after she gives birth.

Stefanie Sun


Stefanie Sun’s Baby Nursery